Sunday, February 18, 2007

Your discrimination CA: What to watch for

When students don't get the discrimination CA right, very often it's because of what they write in the SΔ box. In a discrimination situation, the behaver must be able to perceive (thru seeing, hearing, or any of the other senses) the difference between the SD and the SΔ BEFORE the target behavior is performed. So make sure you don't describe an SΔ that the behaver can't perceive as different from the SD until after the behavior has already been performed. An example of this mistake might be saying that the SD is an ATM machine that has money in it, the SΔ is an ATM that's empty, and the target behavior is punching in your code and requesting money. In this situation, the target behavior has to be performed before the behaver knows that the ATM is empty. So an empty ATM can't be an SΔ in this case.

Think of it this way: In the case of reinforcement-based discrimination, the SD functions like a signal that if the target behavior is performed, it will be reinforced, and the SΔ functions like a signal that it won't be. In the case of punishment-based discrimination, the SD signals that the target behavior will be punished and the SΔ signals that it won't. And in order for these stimuli to function like signals, the behaver has to be able to perceive the difference between them BEFORE performing the target behavior.

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