Revised on 3/29/14
The dual-functioning stimuli that link the responses in a behavioral chain function as reinforcers for the behaviors that precede them. The 1st stimulus or condition that starts the chain doesn't link two behaviors, so in analyzing a chain, we normally don't label that one as a reinforcer. The 2nd function of these stimuli may be SD, EO, operandum, or opportunity to respond. This last option is not discussed in Ch. 20. It's briefly discussed in Ch. 22 (p. 354) but it's relevant here too. Without having it as an option for the 2nd function of these linking stimuli, we're handicapped in some cases. Anyway, figuring out which of these functions applies to a particular dual-functioning stimulus is one of the trickier things to do when analyzing a behavioral chain.
In this chapter, Malott's only discussion of a stimulus functioning as an EO is in the footnote at the bottom of p. 315, where he assigns that function to the stimulus that starts the behavioral chain he's describing. Can a dual-functioning stimulus in the middle of a chain also have the EO function? I think it can because the introduction of an EO increases the likelihood that the next behavior in the chain will occur, and that's the sort of thing these linking stimuli do to keep the behaviors happening one after the other. But that's not my main concern in this post.
My main concern is this opportunity to respond option. In Ch. 22 we're going to learn about analogs to discriminated avoidance. These are situations in which there's a deadline and the target behavior has to happen before the deadline or else you lose the chance to receive a reinforcer. We'll learn that in lots of these scenarios, the time before the deadline functions as an SD, meaning that if the target behavior happens before the deadline, it's reinforced. And in those scenarios, the time after the deadline functions as an SΔ, meaning that if the behavior happens after the deadline, it won't be reinforced. But, Malott explains to us, the time before a deadline doesn't always function as an SD. It's not an SD in cases where the target behavior, for various possible reasons, cannot be performed after the deadline has expired. If the target behavior can't be performed, this means the time after the deadline is not an SΔ, which means that the time before the deadline is not an SD. So if the time before the deadline is not an SD, what is it? According to Malott, that stimulus condition is best labeled as an opportunity to respond (again, see p. 354).
Are you still with me? OK, then here we go, back to those dual-functioning stimuli in behavioral chains. When my students think up examples of behavioral chains, they sometimes have trouble figuring out the function of the stimulus/condition described in the 1st box as well as the other linking stimuli. I now realize that there are 4 possibilities: SD, EO, operandum, or opportunity to respond. As an example of opportunity to respond, consider the example provided by one of my students. The 1st box says "Car is parked." The following behavior box says "Start car." The following dual-functioning stimulus box says "Car running." Is that first stimulus condition (Car is parked) an operandum? I don't think so. Is it an EO? I don't think so because if it was, that would mean that when the car is parked, the reinforcement value of "car is running" would be greater than if the car was not parked, that is, if the car was running or being driven. This doesn't make sense because in the latter condition (car is running or being driven), the behavior of starting the car can't be performed because the car is already started. Is it an SD? I don't think so because the corresponding SΔ would then be "car is running/being driven." And again, in that condition the behavior of starting the car couldn't be performed because the car is already running. So what's the function of the condition described in that first box, "car is parked?" I think it's an opportunity to respond.
So some quick guidelines for figuring out the functions of the initial stimulus/condition and the linking stimuli:
Is it an SD? Figure out what its corresponding SΔ would be. Then ask yourself two questions: (1) In the SΔ condition, could the following behavior be performed? If not, then this condition is not an SΔ, which means that the stimulus/condition in question is not an SD. (2) In the SΔ condition, if the following behavior could be performed, would it be followed by the reinforcer that's described in the next stimulus box? If so, then then this condition is not an SΔ, which means that the stimulus/condition in question is not an SD.
Is it an EO? Look at the reinforcing stimulus that results from the behavior. Is it a more powerful reinforcer for the behavior because of the presence of the stimulus/condition in question? If so, then it's an EO.
Is it an operandum? Does the stimulus/condition constitute making available some "thing" that you must have in order to perform the following behavior? An example is "fork in hand" when the following behavior (such as "put fork in potato") can't be performed without that "thing." If so, then it's an operandum.
Is it an opportunity to respond? Similar to operandum in that without either - operandum or opportunity to respond - the following behavior can't be performed. Here, tho, the inability to perform the behavior is not because some implement or object is not available, but for some other reason it's not possible to perform the behavior, like in the "car is parked" example above.
Have fun figuring out the dual functions of these linking stimuli in behavioral chains!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
What are the functions of the stimuli in a behavioral chain?
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11:48 AM
Principles of Behavior: Ch. 20
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Choosing target behaviors for contingency analyses
Revised on 1/4/14
Take a look at an earlier post with the "Principles of Behavior: Ch. 02" label for tips about preparing the reinforcement CA. This post will elaborate on some of what was written there.
One of the most common errors that students make with CAs is in identifying the target behavior. Because the courses that use Malott's book focus on the basic behavioral contingencies, the examples of contingencies that you use in your CAs should use simple, discrete behaviors. "Discrete" means not consisting of multiple parts. So you should not use behaviors that are actually behavioral chains consisting of a sequence of connected behaviors. An example of a behavioral chain is baking a cake, which is not a discrete, unitary act, but several acts or behaviors performed one after the other until you're finished. You should not use any other "collection" of behaviors either. Doing your homework or cleaning up your room, for instance, are collections of separate behaviors, consisting of any number of individual behaviors. Often these collections of behaviors have other, unrelated, behaviors interspersed. So you might work for a while on your homework, or pick up a few things in your room, then take a break, get a bite to eat or go to the bathroom, then resume working on your homework or cleaning your room. Collections of behaviors like this don't work for the kinds of CAs we're doing. One of the reasons is that in this kind of situation, it's not possible to specify what is meant by "immediately following the target behavior."
The target behaviors you choose should have a clear starting point, a clear ending point, and between the starting and ending points there should be no interruption and no interspersed behaviors.
The one possible exception is the reinforceable response unit (RRU), which you can read about on p. 374. An RRU meets the criteria I just spelled out in the preceding paragraph, so it's acceptable. But if you specify an RRU as the target behavior in one of your CAs, be careful, because they're rare in real life, and your CAs need to be faithful to real life.
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11:38 AM
Principles of Behavior: Ch. 02